Heated wear and accessories


Heated glove pads
Heated glove pads
In stock (>20 pcs)
Code: 4090
9,68 €
(8 € excl. VAT)
Heated wear pads
Heated wear pads
In stock (>20 pcs)
Code: 4089
9,08 €
(7,50 € excl. VAT)
Electric Heated Insoles with USB interface
Electric Heated Insoles with USB interface
In stock (>20 pcs)
Code: 2623
6,05 €
(5 € excl. VAT)
3 items total
Electric Heated Insoles with USB interface
5 € excl. VAT
6,05 €
Code: 2623
Heated glove pads
Heated glove pads
In stock (>20 pcs)
8 € excl. VAT
9,68 €
Code: 4090
Heated wear pads
Heated wear pads
In stock (>20 pcs)
7,50 € excl. VAT
9,08 €
Code: 4089
of intact goods
Delivery guarantee
of intact goods
in the center of Prague
Showroom 200m2
in the center of Prague
in stock
500+ products
in stock
on the market
Since 2008
on the market